
Showing posts from April, 2013

A Nap...Ain't Nobody Got time for Dat!!

When I went home yesterday, I was dead tired and just wanted to snuggle into my comfy bed, relax, and possibly take a nap. A nice, refreshing, stress free nap..hmmmm, sounds so easy to some, but to me its a feat that cannot easily be accomplished. As I was dreaming about sleep,  Yusi came running, screaming "Oto Boos, Oto Boos" and showing me his new drawings (scribbles) of balls. "Wow!!! Yusuf that is just awesome!" Yusuf drawing balloons He said "awchum" and continued to follow me upstairs. As I was going to my room, thinking about my bed, the motherly guilt kicked in and made me go into Isa's room instead. He was just sitting there day dreaming with only half his work done. "Isa what's wrong, why are your spellings not done?" " Amm-mmma I can't find a pencil so I couldn't do my spellings" Eighty percent of the time, he does not have a pencil, or its not sharpened and for all of you judging me as a parent an